Help needed

The DPO was presented to the public on March 26, 1973 at the IEEE Intercon in New York City. Unfortunately, some knowledge has been lost in the last 50 years. Many manuals have been scanned and are available at places like Tekwiki, but there are still some gaps.

I want to fill these knowledge gaps. Perhaps you can help me with one of the following topics.

HSA module

Almost nothing is known about the Hardware Signal Averager (HSA) module. The part number of the manual is 061-1344-00. I’m looking for a copy or scan of the manual or any other informtion to get this module running. A name or contact to one of the designers of this module would also help.


The vintageTEK museum has kindly provided me with scans of the program manuals for pulse parameters and linearity analysis. I’m looking for manuals, copies or listings of other programs. Copies of the original operating system or TEK DPO Basic from 1973/74 are also on my wish list.


The P7001 was typically connected to a Tek-branded PDP-11 computer. Probably the best known were the CP1150 series minicomputers in the bottom of a 202D scope cart or its successor, the CP4165

I’d like to borrow or buy one of the original computers. As an alternative, it would help if someone with a complete system could do some tests for me. I’m also looking for actual pictures of such a system and copies of the related manuals.


If you have answers to one of my topics or want to contact me for another reason - my email is: